“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
I am so thankful for the gift to serve others. And, I’ve just recently begun to understand that the ability to serve is quite a special gift. I once thought that serving others was a burden or a chore. At times, I even likened the responsibility of serving to slavery. Thank God for a delivered mindset! I now realize that the act of service is the purest act of love. I’ve made the conscious decision to use my abilities to help others and in helping them I am showing God’s love. This is particularly important because God’s gives us the freedom of choice. In freely choosing to assist others by eliminating their suffering, I give love the victory.
As a believer of a greater power and spiritual source, I am honored to represent God’s love by serving others and loving them as I would myself. I am fortunate to serve my patients every day by providing them the best eye and vision care that I can. Moreover, I am grateful to serve patients in America, as well as, abroad through volunteer vacations.
In reflecting on my past, I realized that the service I provided through volunteer vacations and medical missions ignited my passion to wholeheartedly serve my patients in the states. My trips to Haiti, Liberia and Ghana enabled me to see how my efforts directly impacted each patient, their families and entire communities.
If your flame of passion is a smoldering ember then I invite you to join me on an Elevated Living Passion Project. The aim of the Passion Project is to establish sustainable healthcare clinics in areas that are effected by extreme poverty and the scarcity of medical resources. If you join me, your smoldering ember will transform into a roaring fire that you and those around you won’t want to extinguish! It’s time to turn up the heat and melt away the icicles of apathy and routine.
Are you ready to be on fire?